Nighttime on the east side

Tonight I decided to give nighttime photography a try. I have absolutely no experience taking nighttime photos, but I recently picked up a used 56mm f1.2, and it seems like a good lens to use for nighttime.

I visited a few local spots that had lights up for the holiday season. Some of these photos came out great; some of them, not so much. I still need to get a better understanding of AF for my camera. For example, in the first photo from the first location, only a few sprigs are in focus. I’d like a larger focus frame size.

The photos at the second location came out a little better, perhaps because there wasn’t as much foot traffic so I could take my time with the photos.

Still, I had fun seeing bokeh for the first time.

Lens: 56mm f1.2


Tremont and Ohio City


WinterLand CLE