Cherry blossoms in Cleveland
A few weeks ago, I went to Sakura Fest in Akron, OH to see the cherry blossoms along the Towpath Trail. It was a bit chilly outside, but there was plenty of sun which made up for it. After visiting Akron, I suddenly had a strong desire to go to Japan and see the cherry blossoms there, too.
Since then, I’ve realized that we actually have a lot of cherry blossoms here in Cleveland. Maybe they’ve always been here, but I’ve never noticed.
In either case, I’m taking advantage of the beautiful flowers and taking photos whenever I can. I’ve been using manual focus mode lately, and I find it comes in handy when taking photos of the flowers. Sometimes I shoot using manual focus and sometimes I use AF+MF together.
I’ve been having so much fun using manual focus that I’m considering getting a manual focus lens, like the Minolta M-Rokkor 90mm. The only thing holding me back is wondering if I’ll miss having autofocus when I need it. With my Fuji lenses, I can switch between focus modes whenever I want. Still mulling it over.
Anyway, here are some photos of the flowers I’ve taken over the past few weeks. Almost all of them I shot using manual focus.