Jeff and Salli's most excellent (and chilly) adventure

For the past three years, I’ve always taken the last two weeks off from work. For the past two years, I’ve spent those two weeks at home due to the pandemic.

This year, I’m trying to enjoy my two weeks off by going outside.

To start, I went on a hike at the Columbia Reservation in Lorain County. I had no idea it existed and thought it was part of the Cleveland Metroparks, but it’s actually part of the Lorain County Metro Parks.

The hike was hosted by Jeff and Salli, who run Jeff and Salli’s Excellent Adventures. The hike was at a leisurely pace, which meant that there was plenty of time for me to stop and take photos. It was 40 degrees outside, and the snow from Monday was melting, so the conditions were good for a hike.

I imagine that Columbia Reservation, like any other park in the Cleveland area, is probably more beautiful in the spring and summer. I’m looking forward to taking photos of nature when everything’s in bloom.


Christmas Eve with the coyotes


Saturday day out