Reggae fest
I woke up on Sunday feeling run down and considered staying in bed all day. However, it was going to be a nice day, so I fought against the urge to curl under my blankets and went downtown for Reggae fest. I’d never heard of it until a few days ago.
My main reason for going was to try to get some Jamaican food. I haven’t had good Jamaican food in ages. Unfortunately, there was only one Jamaican food truck at the festival, and the line was too long to wait. I’m hoping I’ll encounter the food truck somewhere else.
I did, however, get some jerk wings with an amazing BBQ dipping sauce. That almost made up for it.
It was hot downtown, but sunny. I wish I brought my blanket with me so I could sit on the grass and listen to music, but I didn’t feel like carrying more than I had to. Everyone else had blankets and chairs. Some of the chairs had built-in umbrellas. I may or may not have taken notes of brand names so I can buy one.
I stuck around for two bands before I had to leave. Of the two that I saw, my favorite one was Milton Blake. He and his band were very energetic. The crowd responded very positively, and there was a ton of dancing.
I used the 50mm for most of the day because I wanted some shots of people and performers. The 50 did quite well, but I seriously am thinking about getting the Viltrox 75mm for Fuji so I have something a little bit longer. I’m also contemplating getting a Sony body and their 85mm lens for concerts and events. I hear Sony has great autofocus, too.