Christmas eve with the coyotes…again

It was a wet, mild Christmas Eve and it’ll be a wet, mild Christmas Day.


Last year, I decided to go to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. I had nothing to do, I’d finished wrapping my presents, and I just wanted to go out. I started by visiting Rising Star Coffee and then went to the museum. It wasn’t a great experience because they were in the middle of a major renovation project, but I still went to the wildlife center to see the animals.

I did the same thing this year, for the most part. I didn’t feel like traveling to the west side to get coffee because everyone seems to be acting particularly violent on the roads during the holidays. Instead, I spent the morning cleaning up my apartment, finished some last minute shopping, and then went to the museum.

The renovation is finally finished, and the museum looks very…2024. It’s clean, borderline sterile to me. Very modern. Lots of white and cream, soft white lights. I kind of miss the old museum, with the old blue (purple) carpet. And where are the dioramas?


I beelined for the wildlife center because I only had two hours to spare. Like last year, there weren’t too many animals out because it was still cold and gray outside. But I did see the coyotes again, and boy, were they cute. At first, they were sleeping in their blue tub, but then spent a lot of time during figure eights around one of the trees. I’m not sure what that meant.

In either case, it was good to see them.

I did some some time wandering the rest of the museum, snapping pictures here and there. If I had time, I might’ve stuck around longer and tried some of the different activities there.

On the note of museums, I would like to go to some museums outside of Cleveland, like the Met. I love a good museum. Just something different. Hopefully I can resume traveling again in 2025. I enjoyed my visit to Chicago’s history and art museums.


On to year two


Thoughts on my process